Prov 17:22

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine... - Proverbs 17:22

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rocky Mountain High and back again...

Can't believe something I looked forward to so long is over and I'm already home again. But so glad I got to go! I heard people say Writing for the Soul is the best writers conference in the country, and I believe it. Everything was delivered with such excellence and servanthood by top-notch people. They challenge you and hold your feet to the fire, but in the most encouraging way. The last thing I learned was from Dennis Hensley this morning on Knowing Your Enemy. If you don't know your enemy, you can't win. But when you do, and fight him, you can't lose.
According to him, your top five enemies are:
  • Lack of Attention
  • Lack of Desire
  • Bad Attitude
  • Refusal to Accept Instruction
  • Something else. (This is when I stopped paying attention and dashed out to catch my shuttle to the airport)
Hope that last one's not too significant.

Arrived home to a sick husband, blowing snow, and a sink full of dishes. Welcome back to real life!

1 comment:

  1. Terrie,

    Love your reflections on the conference! So glad it was a good experience for you.

    Dr. Hensley's last point was:

    5. A lack of the awareness to be more careful and alert. Many aren't even aware they need to be more diligent.

    Hope to see you again next year!
